Track Your Set Lists

By |2016-08-05T06:13:51+00:00September 15th, 2012|Categories: Worship Tips|Tags: , , |

One of the most often overlooked aspects of leading effective congregational worship is being able find the right balance of the right songs week in and week out. There are usually several competing aspects to finding and keeping the right mix.

On one hand, worship must be immediately accessible to the congregation. In other words, the people must have a certain level of familiarity with the songs so that they can more easily participate in singing. On the other hand, too much of the same ole’ songs will probably begin to create a level of apathy or boredom from those singing. (more…)

Alternate Songs

By |2017-06-28T16:40:01+00:00June 2nd, 2012|Categories: Worship Tips|Tags: , , |

Have you ever been in the middle of a leading a time of worship and realized that the next song in the order of the set just doesn’t feel right?

Or simply wished that you had different song option to lead the congregation in that moment? I have and I know it’s a fairly common experience for other worship leaders as well. Its not that we weren’t diligent in thinking through and preparing the worship set. Sometimes we just don’t have all of the revelation needed regarding how the worship will flow or if the songs we’ve picked will fully support what God is doing in the moment; kind of a “… we only see in part…” type of thing (I Cor.13:9-10 ). (more…)

Consumer Worship – Thoughts on Popular Worship

By |2017-06-28T16:40:01+00:00November 29th, 2011|Categories: Articles|Tags: , , |

Several months ago a friend and I engaged in a conversation about worship. Specifically, we talked about the recent “contemporary worship” explosion occurring worldwide. It seems that just about every church now offers some form of “contemporary or modern worship” in their weekend services. Even mainstream bookstores like Barnes and Noble and Borders carry a selection of Contemporary Worship. In fact, in recent years, the demand for contemporary worship music, worldwide, has grown at such an exponential rate that the Time-Life Warner Worship Series (sold through TV ads) has become their number one selling series of all time; surpassing Elvis and the Beatles. (more…)

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