Find The Reprise

By |2022-05-28T06:28:47+00:00April 25th, 2022|Categories: Worship Tips|Tags: , , , |

You have probably noticed that when preparing a worship song set, there is usually one song that stands out as the “key” song for that specific set. It could be an upbeat opening song that highlights God’s greatness and/or glory, or a more subdued and intimate song in the middle of the set that focuses on our need for His mercy.  Regardless of what type of song that the key song happens to be, it’s almost always the center point or theme for that time of worship. And one way to increase the impact of the desired theme in worship is to create a reprise or tag of the key song somewhere in the worship set. The word “reprise” is simply defined as, “a repetition of a phrase, or a return to an earlier theme.” (more…)

Rediscovering the Pleasure of Leading Worship

By |2017-06-28T16:40:00+00:00February 10th, 2014|Categories: Articles|Tags: , , , , |

With a hearty “Amen” another worship set was complete. Yet, as I put my guitar on it’s stand and walked off stage, I was disturbed by an empty feeling in my heart. For the last thirty minutes I hadn’t really led worship. It felt more like I just sang a bunch of songs. Where was the passion? Where had the joy gone? As I’ve had the opportunity to speak with a number of worship leaders, I’ve come to realize that I’m not the only one who has wrestled with joyless, passionless feelings concerning worship. But how is it that worship leaders lose their joy and passion? (more…)

Last Week, This Week, Next Week

By |2017-06-28T16:40:00+00:00January 11th, 2014|Categories: Worship Tips|Tags: , , |

Do you remember what songs you used to lead the congregation last week? Did they have any tangible connection with your worship song list from the previous week? How about for the current week’s song list that you’re preparing? Is there a purposeful connection between what you sang last week and with what you will be preparing for the following week? These are questions that we as worship leaders should be asking. (more…)

Is God Listening?

By |2017-06-28T16:40:00+00:00October 16th, 2013|Categories: Articles|Tags: , , , |

Thoughts From Amos 5

“Is God Listening?” This question stopped me in my tracks while I was reading a short book written by Pastor/Worship Leader/Song Writer David Ruis, entitled “The Worship God is Seeking: An Exploration of Worship and the Kingdom of God”. The words absolutely jumped off the page at me. The question wasn’t asked with a sarcastic or judgmental tone. (more…)

Worship in Personal Devotion

By |2017-06-28T16:40:00+00:00September 11th, 2013|Categories: Worship Tips|Tags: , , , |

Seeking God and spending time in devotion away from platform is an absolute essential for worship leaders and worship team members. Plainly stated, worship should not be a Sunday-only experience. In fact it is the cultivation of our personal (private) relationship with God that is the foundation upon which we stand to lead others in worship. So how exactly do we pursue our personal devotion and worship with God? (more…)

The Worshippers God Seeks

By |2017-06-28T16:40:00+00:00July 6th, 2013|Categories: Articles|Tags: , , , |

Thoughts From John 4:21-23

The 4th chapter of the Gospel of John where the Apostle John tells the story of Jesus meeting and talking with the Samaritan woman at Jacob’s well in the town of Sychar, has always been a favorite of mine. This particular section of scripture has so many incredible “nuggets” to mine. However, I want to focus your attention primarily upon verses 21-23. The woman asks Jesus an important question regarding the “how” and “where” of worship. (more…)

Work Out the Cues

By |2017-06-28T16:40:00+00:00June 20th, 2013|Categories: Worship Tips|Tags: , |

I’m guessing that most worship teams work out the song arrangements of the worship set before Sunday morning.

During rehearsal they mapped out how each song will flow and determine how many times to repeat the chorus of a specific song or which song will start with chorus instead of the verse. After all, that is what rehearsals are for; nailing down the flow and specifics of the songs and the set. (more…)

Three Keys for a Successful Worship Set

By |2017-06-28T16:40:00+00:00May 7th, 2013|Categories: Worship Tips|Tags: , , , |

Would you like to know that every time you were called upon to lead worship, that the worship time would be successful? I know I would! First though, its important to define what success looks like for a congregational worship set. I think that at least one of the defining characteristics would be that the selection of the songs and the execution of the songs by the worship team would enable the congregation to connect with God in a deep, relevant and tangible way. (more…)

Line of Sight is Key

By |2016-08-05T05:19:10+00:00April 13th, 2013|Categories: Worship Tips|Tags: , , , |

When leading worship with others, whether it’s just you and another instrument or an entire band of musicians, it is crucial that the other players are able to see you. Even though you have most likely spent time rehearsing the songs and practicing specific arrangements, it is important to be able to communicate with the worship band during the worship service. To do this effectively, they need to be able to see you while on the stage. This means that you will need to arrange the physical placement of each musician on the platform so that they are not only able to hear each other well but to see each other as well. (more…)

Introducing New Songs

By |2016-08-05T05:28:24+00:00March 2nd, 2013|Categories: Worship Tips|Tags: , , , |

Whenever I teach on worship and worship team dynamics I am usually asked, “What’s the best way to introduce a new song to the congregation?” Honestly, there is no set “best” way. There are many factors that come into play to answer this question and much depends on the congregation itself. Such as, “How actively do they participate in singing?” (more…)

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